- Standard configuration: Configuration with outputs from the four E1s in the DB25 from a Telebrás standard sub-rack, being possible to utilize cables and cabinets already available in the market to access the E1s. Internal and external alarms available in the screw ruler.
- 1V configuration: Configuration in which the DB25 provides a V.11/V.35 with its main signals. The ruler of the sub-rack provides E1 for the screws usually used in the Telebrás standard as well as for the backup screws. Two more E1 interfaces in the DB25 connector can be made available. Option for internal and external alarm in the screw ruler.
- 2V configuration: Configuration in which the DB25 provides two V.11/V.35 with 10 communication cables and 3 shared for control of the two V.11/V.35. Only two E1s can be used in this configuration, both in the screw ruler of the sub-rack. Option for internal and external alarm in the screw ruler.
- When using the V.28 interface, the pins CT105 and CT109 of the V.11/V.35 interfaces are used, and the interface is left without this control pins available. Only for 1V and 2V configurations.
- Possibility of using external clock CT128 for data reception. Only for 1V configuration.
- Wide range of options for clock configuration in the V.11/V.35 interfaces, such as invert TX clock, CT113 unlooped CT114, CT104 controlled, CT113 and regenerated.

Configuration with 4 independent aggregates

Optical modem configuration for 2.048Mbit/s

Aggregated configuration with 1+1 redundancy

Fixed Configuration