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"This content is particularly relevant for the Brazilian market, as it pertains to funding resources provided by the Brazilian government."
The expansion of telecommunications network infrastructure is a strategic need for many sectors of the economy, driven by technological evolution and the demand for greater connectivity. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) face the challenge of implementing new fiber optic projects, which requires investments.
At Datacom, we are aware that the investments needed to implement infrastructure projects can represent an obstacle, especially for smaller ISPs. For this reason, our commitment is to provide solutions that facilitate access to financing options for our customers. As a genuinely Brazilian company, we have the advantage of opening exclusive ways for our clients to access attractive financial resources. Thanks to government policies that encourage the use of domestic equipment, we are able to offer benefits such as interest rates ranging from 3.8% to 7% per year, a grace period of 24 to 36 months and a period of 96 to 120 months for start payments. Below are some guidelines on how you can raise funds for your project.
Available resources
One of the relevant sources of funding is Funttel (Fund for the Technological Development of Telecommunications). This fund was created to encourage technological innovation, encourage the training of human resources, promote the creation of jobs and access to capital resources for small and medium-sized companies, increasing the competitiveness of the Brazilian telecommunications industry. It is important to point out that Funttel resources are not transferred directly to the ISP.
This financing requires the action of financiers, such as Finep and BNDES, which are financial agents in charge of granting these financings, with the purpose of supporting innovation in telecommunications.
Funttel's resources can be accessed through Finep in two ways, Direct Acquisition and Innovative Acquisition (decentralized), both with the objective of stimulating the adoption of innovative technologies in the telecommunications sector, developed by Brazilian companies.
For large ISPs, with annual or annualized revenues equal to or greater than R$300 million, Direct Acquisition is the recommended method. In this case, companies must submit their proposals directly to Finep, using the institution's credit operations system for this purpose. After registration, a relationship manager is assigned to assist in registering the project.
For smaller ISPs, with gross operating revenue of up to R$300 million, the Innovative Acquisition (decentralized) is an option. In this scenario, proposals must be maintained through financial agents accredited in the decentralized operation of Finep Acquisition Inovadora. These are financeable items such as telecommunications equipment and fiber optic cables, according to Ordinance MCT 850/2006 and in the Basic Productive Process (PPB – Law 8.387/2019). In addition, it is possible to include in the financing the working capital associated with the installation costs of this equipment, which should not exceed 30% of the project value.
Furthermore, it is important to point out that Datacom maintains strategic partnerships with financial institutions specialized in telecommunications financing, such as CRESOL and SOFISA. These institutions have vast experience and deep knowledge about the process of requesting and approving financing targeted at the telecommunications industry, including those offered by Funttel through FINEP. The expertise of these partners provides full support to ISPs throughout the journey of obtaining resources, making the process less complex and considerably increasing the chances of success. To facilitate the understanding of the procedure, we present a brief diagram below, which illustrates the request and approval flow for this type of financing.
After exploring the financing options available through FINEP, it is important to mention that ISPs wishing to invest in national products, such as those provided by Datacom, can also take advantage of the resources offered by BNDES through Funttel. This fund, aimed at stimulating the technological development of telecommunications, provides financing of up to R$15 million to companies with annual revenues in excess of R$300 million.
In addition to Funttel, the BNDES has other financing lines suitable for companies of different sizes. One of them is BNDES Finame, focused on financing the acquisition and production of machinery and equipment, allowing ISPs to modernize their infrastructure and maintain market competitiveness.
The BNDES Card is another alternative, aimed at micro, small and medium-sized companies, which offers revolving and pre-approved credit of up to R$ 2 million for the purchase of accredited products and services. Thus, ISPs have at their disposal several financing options, adapted to their specific needs, always aiming at expanding and improving their telecommunications services.
In summary, it is important to note that financing options are available to ISPs, regardless of their size. Here at Datacom, we are dedicated to helping our customers navigate these options and identify the one that best fits their specific needs.
We understand that expanding the network and achieving growth targets are important objectives for our customers. Therefore, in addition to providing high quality equipment, we are also ready to help in obtaining the necessary resources for such investments.
Our sales team is always on hand to answer questions and provide additional information about these financing options. Please do not hesitate to contact your region's account manager via this link.