Datacom Data Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
TERACOM TELEMATICA S/A, trading name DATACOM, a legal entity governed by private law registered with CNPJ under nº 02.820.966/0001-09, headquartered at Rua América, nº 1000, Bairro Industrial, in the city of Eldorado do Sul- RS, understands that the protection of personal data is a matter of paramount importance for the development of its activities and construction of an ethical and transparent relationship with those who relate to the company.
Our commitment to the privacy and protection of the personal data of DATACOM customers, employees, suppliers and partners is constant and, in order to ratify the security and transparency guidelines, our privacy policy is set out below.
Legal definitions
1.1 Personal data: Information related to an identified or identifiable natural person;
1.2 Sensitive personal data: Personal data about racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, union affiliation or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, data referring to health or sex life, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person;
1.3 Holder: Natural person to whom the personal data that are subject to processing refer;
1.4 Controller: Natural or legal person, public or private, who is responsible for decisions regarding the processing of personal data;
1.5 Operator: Natural or legal person, public or private, who processes personal data on behalf of the controller;
1.6 Person in charge: Person appointed by the controller and operator to act as a communication channel between the controller, data subjects and the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD);
1.7 Treatment agent: Controller and operator;
1.8 Treatment: Any operation carried out with personal data, such as those referring to the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, diffusion or extraction;
Purpose of the privacy policy
This policy applies to services related to the brand and activities developed by DATACOM, listed on our official website, through the address, with the aim of informing how we process personal data of our customers and general public in this context. As for other data processing situations, whether in relation to our employees, service providers or suppliers (or other specific services), the privacy notice that regulates the respective activity must be observed.
Treatment agents
DATACOM acts as an agent controlling personal data, being the one who makes decisions regarding the processing of your personal data.
Data we collect
When you contact DATACOM through our website under SALES (, we process the following data:
In addition to these data, there is an open field for you to write your message. It is indicated that, in this space, no personal data is entered, the above mentioned being sufficient. This data will be used and stored for 2 years.
For the purposes described in this policy, DATACOM does not process personal data considered sensitive by Law n. 13,709/2018.
Table of Cookies used on the DATACOM website
1.9 What are Cookies?
Cookies are files that contain fragments of data established by the creators of the websites visited and which are saved on the user's computer, through their browser. Said files contain information capable of identifying the website visitor (indicating, for example, whether the visitor has already been to that website or made the first visit). It can have different purposes, such as customizing the page according to the profiles of the visitors (remembering their preferences), improving the browsing experience, facilitating the flow of data between the pages of the same website, or even for advertising purposes. and advertising.
The following cookies are used on the website
Access Records - Logs
By virtue of the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, we collect and keep records of accesses made on our platforms for 6 months. Thus, the IP addresses of those who access the websites are registered, as well as the registration of the credentials used, when it comes to accessing a restricted area of the website.
Information security
DATACOM adopts good information security practices in order to protect the personal data that is stored. In addition to using its own infrastructure for data processing, it uses tools such as encryption and access control to ensure that only authorized employees have access to personal data, in accordance with the technical and organizational measures taken.
Holders' Rights
Being the owner of personal data means saying that there is a link between you and the data processed during your relationship with us. This relationship allows you to have a series of rights, which can be exercised through the email below, at any time:
I. Confirmation of the existence of data processing;
II. Access to data held by the controller;
III. The correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
IV. The anonymization, blocking or deletion of data, provided that they are considered unnecessary, excessive or treated in breach of the provisions of the LGPD;
V. The portability of your personal data to another service provider, by regulation;
SAW. The deletion of personal data when the previously given consent has been withdrawn;
VII. The relationship with whom your data was shared;
VIII.The information that you can deny consent and what are the consequences;
IX. The revocation of consent.
Bearing in mind that DATACOM is the controller of your personal data, you can exercise your rights, including solving doubts, directly through a message to the Person in Charge of Personal Data, Ms. Ana Paula Wist, to
You acknowledge DATACOM's right to change the content of this Policy at any time, according to the purpose or need, such as for adequacy and legal compliance with a law or normal provision that has equivalent legal force. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised Policy on the website.
We ask our customers, when accessing the websites or using our services, to always observe the updates.
This Policy is in revision 01.