Knowledge in one place.
By Douglas Cruz – Sales Engineer
In March 2022, the largest building materials store in Campo Largo and Region, Engerama Casa e Construção, opened. This is the second subsidiary of the group that has been in the civil construction market for 27 years.
In search of an optimized solution to serve the store's more than 6 thousand square meters, those responsible for Engerama's IT infrastructure in partnership with Haserti Assessoria em TI and Datacom engineers, opted for GPON fiber optic technology to ensure device connectivity in an efficient and simplified way.
According to Henry Corrêa de Mello, manager responsible for the network, initially the project would be built using conventional structured cabling, but to accommodate the various switches (Active Elements of the network) and the patch panel, it would be necessary to create dedicated rooms, making the project as a whole more costly. That's when the Haserti team saw GPON/FTTD (POL) as the ideal solution to optimize the infrastructure.
“With this project, I have 4 giga network points and SIP extensions on each workstation, using only 1 fiber. In addition, I can count on Brazilian products and support”. Henry told the Datacom Blog.
POL (Passive Optical LAN)
For those unfamiliar, POL is basically the evolution of traditional local area networks. Instead of using conventional cabling (UTP network cable), optical fibers are used. This structure model uses less centralized active equipment, brings greater energy savings and space optimization, being considered a Green technology. In scenarios with UTP cabling, it is common to deal with a series of physical disorganizations, in addition, the connection has a shorter range and is more susceptible to electromagnetic interference, especially in noisy scenarios, such as industrial factory floors. In a situation where the POL/FTTD infrastructure is used, these problems do not occur, as the facilities are cleaner and more organized.
Engerama topology
The figure above illustrates the topology used to service Engerama Casa e Construção's data and voice services.
The transmission network is composed of two L2/L3 Switches that connect the different services through VLANs to the access network, which in turn has an 8-port DM410 OLT and 60 DM984-420 ONUs.
Switch to the broadcast part
There are hundreds of easy maintenance points available for computers, surveillance system and SIP extensions throughout the complex. Project planned, executed and in operation!
In addition to the satisfaction with the ease of relationship, especially with our Engineering and support team, Engerama and Haserti also point out the robustness of the equipment as reasons for choosing Datacom.
We are immensely grateful to our interviewed partners for their trust and release of information.
If you are interested in knowing more details about these and other possible applications with our products, use our digital channels or contact the consultant in your region directly.