A good story to tell.
The products that we develop and sell are approved by the standards required by the National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) and we also provide products with certification for sale in the European market (CE Mark). Also in this context, we are members and offer products certified by the Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF), ensuring full compliance with international standards for Ethernet services.
We understand that the quality of our processes directly impacts our products and services. Since 2003, our Quality Management System has been certified according to the NBR ISO 9001 standard. Datacom, in line with world trends, concerned about its environmental impact and the health and safety of its associates, added to its System Environmental and Health and Safety certifications, according to NBR ISO 14001 and ISO 45001, respectively.
These three standards are internationally recognized and structure Datacom's Integrated Management System, audited annually and recertified every three years by an independent entity with international credibility.
The scope of this Integrated Management System is:
"Design and development activities, industrialization and sale of equipment, software and services for networks and telecommunications."
Datacom implemented a structured reverse logistics system, sharing responsibility for the life cycle of its product components. Therefore, in order to guarantee the correct destination of household products, Datacom partnered with Green Eletron – Manager for Reverse Logistics of Electronic Equipment.
Green Eletron provides voluntary delivery points throughout the country, so that our domestic consumers can dispose of electronic equipment and batteries in an environmentally correct and sustainable way.
Access the website and consult the nearest collection point: greeneletron.org.br/localizador.