Compliance Policy

DATACOM believes that the success of a company, for it to establish itself and prosper in highly competitive markets, is largely due to its behavior towards Customers, Suppliers, Employees, Government, Environment, Society and others with whom it interacts. .

DATACOM also believes that this success will only be long-lasting if it is solidly based on a healthy set of business conducts. DATACOM's growth will depend on these principles being inserted into its processes and clearly understood and practiced by all its Employees.

In this scenario, a Compliance Program was created with the objective of consolidating, formalizing and demonstrating DATACOM's commitment to complying with laws, including sector codes and organizational standards, guiding its operations, business and services based on ethical principles, in transparency and respect for Customers, Suppliers, Employees, the Environment and expectations of the Communities where it operates.


Message from the CEO

Dear colleagues, respect for laws, standards and established procedures is a priority for Datacom. We act responsibly, with a commitment to producing solutions that contribute to improving people's quality of life, respecting the environment and acting based on our principles and values. All our actions are conducted ethically in order to build long-term relationships with our partners, customers, employees and communities.

We have prepared the Datacom Compliance Program, which contains and points to Guidelines, Policies, Principles and Conduct relating to various aspects of our business, which Employees, Business Partners and Third Parties must observe in order to responsibly meet the obligations with whom the Company interacts. lists and other standards that guide our activities and serve as a guide for all those who contribute to the continuous improvement and growth of our Company. With them, we make decisions ethically and legally at all levels, regardless of position or length of experience. Please take the time to read our Code of Conduct in full and seek guidance if you have questions. Reading this Code and applying it on a daily basis will contribute to the development of a healthy and motivating work environment, in addition to supporting the process of consolidating the foundations for the future of Datacom. Your commitment to upholding the expectations set out in the Code is essential to the successful continuity of our operations and the maintenance of our reputation. Thank you for your support and commitment. A hug, Antônio Carlos Tiecher Porto, CEO.


Message about Hotline

DATACOM HOTLINE SPEAK UP OPENLY The Datacom Hotline is an important resource through which you can resolve doubts, ask questions or report potential violations of this Code, policies, procedures and laws. The Datacom Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: Through the company Contato Seguro: application, website or telephone call: or by E-mail: It is a comprehensive and confidential communication mechanism that can be used by employees, suppliers, customers or any interested party. Focused on the pillars of trust, confidentiality and impartiality, Linha Direta Datacom is managed by an independent third-party service provider to ensure confidentiality and allow people to make their reports anonymously, in order to protect their identities. All questions communicated to the Hotline are forwarded to the Compliance area to be analyzed, answered and, if necessary, investigated. Contact the Datacom Hotline at any time to report situations such as:

  • Moral Harassment;
  • Sexual harassment;
  • Discrimination;
  • Appropriation or misuse of company assets;
  • Fraud;
  • Corruption, Bribery and Kickbacks;
  • Conflict of interests;
  • Health, safety and environment;
  • Disregard for Laws, Policies and Procedures Applicable to the Company.
  • Datacom does not tolerate any type of retaliation against employees who report or report in good faith potential violations of the Code.

Employees who provide false information or who intentionally make false accusations or act in bad faith may be subject to disciplinary action.

The Datacom Hotline is a channel open to everyone, and it is essential to use it correctly, with consistent and truthful reports.

Datacom supports the idea that third parties also use the Datacom Hotline.